Last year we started a tradition here on the Gently Moving Forward blog. During the month of February, I invited some friends to join me with guest blog posts that shared LOVE. We called it Be Love Month! We can all use a little more kindness, compassion, and self-love in our lives!
The idea came to me when I was having dinner over at my friend and neighbor Lisa’s house. Below is a quote from our first post in the series on 2/1/15. You can read more about how the Gently Moving Forward “Be Love” month came about here.
“Lisa and I were both navigating through a challenge at the time. As we chatted, I got a strong intuitive hit that each of us could dissolve our respective challenges with love. The next thought that came up was that we could use the month of February as a catalyst for giving and receiving more love in our lives. I reached out to a few of my friends and invited them to guest blog over here at the GMF blog.”
Last February’s focus to call in more kindness, compassion and self-love continues to be a focus for me personally. Having this practice helped me to move through some heavy duty grief last year. I shared a bit of that process last night here. I am grateful to have more of this gentle energy in my life.
I will be inviting a few friends to join me this month here on the blog and will do my best to have some form of daily love inspiration for y’all.
For today’s post, I want to send you over to my good friend Lórien of Lórien Eck Art and Design where she is hosting on series on inspiration. Lórien invited me to share what inspires me in a guest post. As I was writing the post, I realized that inspiration can be a state of mind. I share about what inspires me and also some of the tools I use personally to help me get into an inspired state. So please go check it out over here! Thank you, dear Lórien for inviting me to join you. Your work inspires me and I am grateful to call you my friend and have a few of your creations on my walls. #beinspired
I look forward to sharing the month of February with you all as we bring more love into our lives. May February be filled with much love and many blessings for us all!
Gently Moving Forward,
Thank you Kat for the mention and the inspiration! I so enjoyed your guest blog post for my blog and am truly honored and excited to be able to share again here on your Be Love v2!
The pleasure is all mine!
Much LOVE!