I am a Goodwill Ambassador for a non profit, heart based project called One Minute for Peace. Today is our second annual event. The concept it simple: If we individually focus one minute each day on peace we can help to create peace on our planet. It makes sense if you think about it, inner peace is reflected outwardly. The idea is that world peace starts from within. By focusing or meditating on peace for one minute a day we can begin to change the energy field on the planet
I have created a mini meditation to help us pause for peace today and anytime you want to feel more peaceful. Press the play button below:
Audio Player
The organization was founded by my friend Kimberley Jones, a very inspirational healer, teacher and lightworker. By focusing or meditating on peace for one minute a day we can begin to change the energy field on the planet. Here is a quote from the blog:
One Minute for Peace’ has been created as a non-profit, from-the-heart venture to unite us all towards an inner & outer world of peace. We aren’t trying to sell you anything or preach anything! We are quite simply passionate about our collective potential to create peace in our lifetime & are totally blown away by how easily this could be achieved, once you know how…..
Through our on-line presence & community we will share tips & tools with you that you can use easily & safely in your every day life right away & actually start to experience the feeling of peace within you. Use & enjoy the tools & you will feel rapid results in how you feel & may even start to see positive results in your relationships & elsewhere in your life. As within, so without.
‘One Minute for Peace’ gives you lots of tools where in just 60 seconds (or more if you wish) you can build the energy field of peace inside you & around you, all with the knowledge that you are helping to create world peace.
It couldn’t be simpler.
It is now a commonly held view that we all need to change the way we are living in order to survive as individuals & as a collective. How do we do that? What do we actually change? The answer is that we make small changes in our actions, our energy & our consciousness through the use of a few simple tools. Every small change in your own energy & consciousness sends out ripples, affecting everyone else on the planet. When we really understand this, how simple it is & how powerful we are, we will change the world.
The intention is to engage as many people as possible to join in a one minute meditation for peace at 11:11 your local time. Kimberley has also set up a facebook group, I encourage you to click on the link to the blog and the facebook page.
I have volunteered to help Kimberley spread the word about this project. As a Goodwill Ambassador I and am excited abut the possibilities of creating real peace on the planet.
On a personal level, I know that I feel better when I have peace in my heart. I know that I can shift my energy in an instant by opening my heart and thinking about peace. For me, it is simply a change in focus. For those of you that know me, you know that gratitude is another tool that I like to work with; I can change my perceptions instantly and change the way I feel. I think the same thing can be done to create inner peace. On a bigger scale, it can be disheartening to see all of the war and violence on our planet today. I am certainly willing to create as much inner peace as I can. If enough of us are willing to do this, I believe we can really make an impact on peace on the planet
I wanted to share the group with you all here. The main group HQ is in on Facebook. We have almost 8000 people in the group from all around the world. The goal is for the group to have 8000 people focusing on peace. 8000 is the magic number to help create a “planetary peace field”.
This morning John and I will be hosting a gathering at our house for all interested to focus on peace in our hearts. Weather permitting we will be able to meditate/pray/intend in our magical garden. If you are in the Bay Area, please feel free to join us! People all across the planet will focusing together to help increase peace.
Many of my friends have joined our group and I want to take this time to thank you all for joining in this cause that has become so important in my life. I am so grateful to you all!
Love, Blessings, and Peace to you all.
This is Beautiful, Angel!!!
Dr. Mo
Hi Kat, I love this. Now I know why I felt like we are going to do something together. Have you seen my Peace Prevails Project? Please take a look at: http://www.catherinefoster.com and go to Peace prevails Project. Lets talk soon! catherine
Bless you for being the perfect Goodwill Ambassador for this venture!! Much love from the UK, Kimberley ♥