Today is my birthday and I am filled with gratitude. It is a beautiful fall day, the sun is shining, the birds are singing and my husband just got home from a business trip. All is well in my world. The phone calls, emails, texts, tweets and Facebook birthday greetings have made my day! I feel showered with love and appreciated. I feel so lucky to have you in my life.
I spent 4 days of this past week with my sister in law and 750 other people in a big ballroom at the Santa Clara Mariott attending Brendon Bruchard’s Experts Academy. Check out his inspirational blog. My sister- in-law invited me to attend as her guest. It was the perfect way for me to finish out my lunar year. The weekend was informative, inspirational and educational. I learned about marketing, branding and the power of networking with folks who are aligned with your business. And it generated some solid ideas to help me move my business forward. Best of all, I met some amazing inspirational folks that I am so looking forward to staying in touch with!
I came home on Sunday feeling fired up! I’ve spent the past few days thinking about my life, both personally and professionally. Life feels like it is moving and evolving very quickly. My life is very different that it was even ten year’s ago. And every year gets better and better. There is so much to be grateful for and I feel a child like excitement bubbling up around the next year ahead. I think it is going to be filled with love, fun adventures and forward movement. I’m looking forward to creating more classes, trainings and retreats! And I feel inspired to give back and pay it forward more than ever.
Hearing from my friends and family today has made me feel happy, centered, and grateful. It has been a busy day; I have been wrapping things up before we head to Spain on Saturday. We’re flying into Barcelona and heading up to France to a small village in the mountains where my friend Karen has been for the last week. John and are excited to join the party! We’re planning on carving out time to write and do some strategic planning for 2015. We’ll also be headed back down to Barcelona for VMworld Europe. I’m planning on taking a bunch of pictures and will make sure to share some of the good ones!
I didn’t want today to go by without thanking you for being in my life. I am grateful for all of the blessings in my life and know that now is the time for me to move gently and powerfully move forward in my life. One of the things that Brendon said repeatedly this weekend is: Its my time! The more he said it, the more I connected with the power of it. I’ve been asking myself what I would do differently if I embraced that philosophy – If I woke up every day and said: “IT’S MY TIME!!!”
We are given this life to live and it is up to us what we do with it. Why not seize the day and live our lives to the fullest? So, yeah – It’s my time. And guess what? It is your time too! We all benefit the more that you are you. Thank you for being you.
Lovely post. So glad you are in my life too!
Thanks Kimberley! All of your yoga, chanting, swimming and living inspire me! <3
So lovely to read your post, Kat. You are such a lovely friend. Enjoy your time in Barcelona and we’ll catch up soon! So grateful for the gift of YOU in my life! Much love, dear one! ♥
Thank you Jean! <3 <3 <3