This weeks prompt for the Voices of Peace blogging challenge comes from Sabrina Walters who asked us to write about how we maintain our sense of inner peace, even under challenging circumstances.
She encouraged us to ask ourselves:
“How do you tap into peace before, during or after an upsetting encounter with someone or some situation that upsets you?”
I had a very quick strong internal response to this question that came from my core. It was a strong and clear voice that said in a deep, resonate tone:
Inner peace is a choice. It really can be that simple. YOU GET TO CHOOSE
I sat some more with the question and thought about times in my life where I lost my sense of inner peace over miniscule and unimportant things as well as some of the biggies, The AFGO’s. There have been many times where I let my choices, other peoples choices, and situations get under my skin which resulted in me losing my sense of inner peace.
I looked back on the times in my life that were filled with drama. I felt compassion for myself and others as I looked back at my twenties, the height of my drama queen days. I realized that so many of the choices I made led me away from inner peace. Reviewing that time in my life, I realized that I have finally forgiven myself for some of the choices I made. Perhaps wisdom really does come from age and experience.
Now in my forties, I find myself consciously choosing peace more often in my life. I am cultivating a practice of choosing peace instead of freaking out. Choosing to accept the situation (whatever it may be) and take a deep breath. And then another deep breath. And then another. There is something about taking three deep conscious breaths that helps to shift our state of being and our physiology.
A couple of weeks ago I had a friend and colleague over at my house who had graciously volunteered to participate as a beta client of my new Customized Personal Retreat work. She arrived on Saturday night and stayed until the following Friday morning when she headed up to San Francisco for a conference that weekend.
We carved out some chunks of time to work together around both of our busy schedules. It was going to be a full week and I was looking forward to working with her. On Monday morning of that week, I wrote my first blog entry for the Voices of Peace blogging challenge. I noticed that my computer battery was getting low and I needed to head downstairs to charge my battery and review the blog entry before posting it publicly.
I headed downstairs and attempted to charge both my computer and my phone at the same time. As I tried to connect my phone cord to my computer there was a spark and my computer shut down immediately. It crashed. I unplugged everything and started over with new connections. Nothing. My computer was not responding. It was dead.
I knew in that moment that I had a choice. I could choose peace or I could choose to freak out and allow my body to have an adrenal/cortisol response that would mess up my body’s chemistry and throw me out of balance. I have spent the last year healing my overtaxed adrenals and being more conscious in my response to life’s curve balls Losing my shit over the computer crashing was not going to serve me, my health or the beta intensive retreat work that was planned for the week.
And in that moment I made a my choice. I took a deep breath. And then a couple more. I chose to maintain my inner peace even if my computer was dust. It helped that all of my work data was backed up. But I had pictures and some personal/journal writings that were important to me. In that instant, I chose peace, no matter what.
I was able to get an appointment with the Apple store that night. There was something freeing about going through the day feeling calm and peaceful. I was lucky enough to have all of my data recovered and my computer working by the close of the store that night.
Every day I invite more peace into my life. The learning unfolds as gems come into my awareness. Peace is a choice. It is a practice. And each time I can shift into peace it feels so damn good.
Gently Moving Forward,
I definitely think this choice becomes easier with age. Thanks for sharing this experience.
Thanks Kimberley!
Hi Kat. I so agree that peace is a choice and I am learning how to make that choice more and more each day. Your story is a great example of how we can do that even in the face of seeming crisis or uncertainty. Thanks so much for sharing your experiences and insights. You are such
an inspiration!
Thanks Beth!
Could you please send this to me daily so I never forget the words I just read! You are so wise Kat and this is something I am going to add to my tool box that you helped me find
I have been using it frequently lately. Love this post and hope you are doing well.
Hey Shannon! Thank you. Doing well. Let’s catch up soon!
Oh yes!! ALL of our emotions are a choice and there’s such power in knowing that in any given moment, we can choose whatever we’d like to feel. And sometimes that might mean choosing grief or anger, if appropriate. And as long as we allow ourselves to feel those emotions all the way through to their natural dissipation, we won’t harm our bodies.
Hi Karen! Amen to feeling our feelings fully! Being at choice definitely what I am striving for.