This is for those days when you have too much going on and/or may be having trouble focusing. It is a guided mini-meditation that will help you feel more calm and focused. Please carve out 10 minutes and find a place without interruptions to enjoy a guided inner journey to being more present, grounded and refreshed.
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Today we are going to take a mini guided meditation break to get present and freshen our energy. It kind of works like a cup of coffee, but instead of the caffeine your body can recharge itself with by taking a focused break from your activities of the day.
Lets first start by closing our eyes and getting present in this moment and bring all our energy that may be scattered back to the present moment. Take a deep breath. On the inhale imagine all of your energy gathering in the center of your head. On the exhale allow any stress or tension to release through your breath. Let’s take a few more breaths and with each inhale bring your energy back to you and on the exhale allow yourself to release any thoughts that are preventing you from being here, now.
On the next inhale become aware of any thoughts that may be in your past and allow yourself to become present in the center of your head. On the exhale – release and know that you can access these thoughts again when this exercise is over. Now let’s do the same thing for thoughts and energy that are in the future. On the inhale become aware of any part of yourself that is hanging out in the future and call that energy back to the center of your head so you can be in the here and now. Continue to work with your breath to allow yourself to become as present as possible in the here and now. Allow your breath to support you and to release any thoughts that may interfere with your becoming present here and now.
We are going to spend the next few minutes getting grounded and feeling our connection to the earth. As human beings we pick up energy all day long. It is important to release energy that we pick up along the way that doesn’t belong to us. The grounding cord is a natural and easy place for us to release energy. What is a grounding cord you ask? We all are connected to the earth through a grounding cord that begins at your hips goes deep into the center of the earth. I like to imagine a hollow tree trunk that is as wide or wider than my hips. It extends from my hips down to the center of the earth. I like to imagine the tree and the roots widening as it goes down to the center of the earth. The idea is that we have a solid connection that we are able to release any energy and/or stress down to the center through this grounding tube or cord. Some people like to imagine a hollow hose with a vacuum or magnet at the center of the earth that pulls any energy that we no longer need or doesn’t serve us down deep into the earth. Don’t worry about dumping negative energy into this grounding cord. The earth can use the energy and recycle it for good use. Take some time and work with your breath to feel your connection to the earth and feel yourself release through your grounding cord. On the inhale, take a refreshing breath and on the exhale allow yourself to send energy down your grounding cord. Let’s take a few cycles of our breath like this. Allow the fresh air to come in through the inhale on the exhale focus on releasing any stress or negativity that came into your energetic space either consciously or unconsciously today. Take your time and with each inhale feel your body renewed by the oxygen and allow your body to release and de-stress on the exhale and send any energy that doesn’t belong to you down the grounding cord. You should now be feeling connected to the earth and more present and refreshed than when we started a few minutes ago. If you feel you need more time, feel free to hit the replay button and go through this process once more before moving on.
Now I want you to imagine a column of light above your head that goes up 15 to 30 feet above your head. Imagine a gold steam of light coming down the column above your head and directly into the top of your head. Allow this golden light to fill up the top of your head down to your forehead. Take another deep breath and feel the gold come in and fill up your entire head. You may feel a warmth or a tingle and that is perfectly fine. t is also fine if you don’t notice a feeling associated with it. Now allow the gold to come into your throat and neck and start to come down your shoulders your back and down your arms. Take your time with this and notice that as the gold comes into your body, you feel the relaxing and rejeuvenating quality of the gold energy begin to go down through your chest and back and fill up your entire core. As you take another refreshing breath, feel the gold fill up your entire back and start moving down into the tops of your legs. And down to your knees. Another breath and down into your calves and shins. And over your ankles and the top of your feet and your soles and into your toes. Feel the gold go all the way into the tips of your toes.
Notice how your breath has changed and how it seems to be effortlessly supporting you at this point. Feel the gold completely fill your body from your head all the way down to your toes. The gold is cleansing and rejuvenating. It automatically picks up any energy that isn’t serving you and sends it down your grounding cord deep into the center or the earth. Allow yourself to take a few more deep and cleansing breaths and feel your body relax deeper into the quiet and calming space. Feel the peaceful quality of this energy.
When you are ready, you can begin to wiggle your fingers and toes and open your eyes and come back to your day. Know that even just bringing your attention to your breath can help you to access this feeling of being grounded, relaxed and hopefully more refreshed. I have found that the more I work with these tools the easier it becomes. I encourage you to feel free to use this recording any time you are feeling frazzled or need to feel more calm and connected.
Enjoy and please feel free to share!
Gently moving forward,
Kat ♥:)
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